1 item for $45.40

Wash Off

Sari Ayu Lansium White: Peel off Mask 75gr

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$3.90 each
Brand: Sari AyuSari Ayu

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The gel mask is practical because it doesn't need to be rinsed as a weekly treatment. Besides cleaning, it can also stimulate the formation of new skin cells. Enriched with Vitamin C and Pro Vit B5 makes skin brighter, moisturised, softer and firmer.

- Lansium Fruit Extract: Contains Vitamin C which helps brighten the skin and natural antioxidants to fight free radicals

-Hibiscus Flower Extract: Contains AHA and amino acids which can remove dead skin cells and regenerate new skin cells

How to use :
1. Clean your face with water and Sariayu White Lansium Facial Foam
2. Make sure your face is dry before applying the product to your face and neck.
3. Shut up for 10-15 minutes
4. Remove slowly after dry

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